Monday, January 31, 2011

Dad and I are both back home

I've talked to dad a couple of times since he got back home, and he is certain that being home is the best possible medicine. He sounds energized and happy, and today will be the first time the home health nurse makes a visit. He will also be visiting his doctor this week, to check on his recovery.

Leaving was terribly hard, but it feels good to be home with Todd and Shadow. Absolutely amazing how supportive everyone at work is about me missing two weeks. People are nice.

Peace and love,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Last night--Robin and Dad both check out tomorrow!

Ayyyyyyyyy, my last day with dad. I went over to the house this morning, and Norma and I did some furniture rearranging in preparation for dad's trip home tomorrow. I also had a last chance to play with my furry half-sisters, and it took all my self control not to tuck the littlest one into my bag and abscond with her.

Dad had his walker (he doesn't need it to walk, but it has a seat, which will mean he can go walking with confidence, knowing he can sit down when he wants to) delivered at the hospital today, and we met the manager of the health care service that will be seeing dad at home three times a week. He is a nice guy, gave me his card and told me to call if I wanted an update or dad had any problems. His health care covers a ride home from the healthcab, so Norma will be waiting for him at Panay Drive when he gets there.

I got take out from a local restaurant for dinner, and then dad and I watched a couple hours of television. He started to nod off early, then decided to get up and walk so he could stay awake. I stayed until 9, when he was getting seriously sleepy (but this is two hours later than usual). I cannot say enough nice things about the staff at Christus Spohn. The nurses and support staff all expressed that they are happy to see Dad go, but that they will miss him. I got hugs goodbye from the Kieshnick house ladies (Jane and Elva) and Elva shared with me that she just graduated to level 3 for her GED studies. She will be taking the exam soon, and I know she will do well.

Leaving tomorrow will be terribly hard, but I'd best not write about that now, or I will start crying early. Time enough for that later. I still get breakfast with dad tomorrow.

Peace and Love,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25th

Dad had sort of a rough morning. He got really light headed and felt like he was going through afib. They ordered an EKG, and there was no indication of this, so it was a continuation of the low blood pressure problems he has when standing up.

So, we had dad's health care conference this morning, with Ron participating by speaker phone. The plan is for dad to leave on Friday (same day I leave for Minnesota). Norma got two weeks off of work (thank you FEMLA) and she will be supported by a nurse coming 3 times a week for general help and PT. Dad is excited about going home, and happy to have two weeks with Norma.

This afternoon, Norma attended PT and OT with dad, and got an idea of the exercises he needs to continue after he gets home. Sarah, one of the PTs came down to talk to me afterwards, and showed me the plan she is sending dad home with. She said she went over everything with Dad and Norma and also said that if they need any help, they can call in to talk to her. Sarah is a PT goddess and definitely worthy of tonight's shout out.

Despite the rough start to the day, dad did well in the afternoon. He did over an hour of PT/OT and came back feeling tired but good. He stayed awake through Wheel of Fortune and NCIS, making it the latest he's been awake since I've arrived. He smiled at me tonight and said that it was amazing that he could feel so terrible in the morning and so great by evening. I'm hoping this is a sign of steady improvement. This morning I was worried about a major setback.

I walked over to the marina across from the hospital today, and got a picture of dad's old boat, "The Bad Habit." I'll post the picture, although it is sort of lame since I don't have zoom on my camera phone.

Side note: I was talking to Jane, who runs the guest house where I am staying, and asked about her weekend. Turns out she and her husband spent the weekend making sausage. They made 300 pounds of sausage, and actually had to purchase a second deep freeze to store it in. I told her that news like that would definitely make tonight's blog.

Peace and love,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day after Packer Victory Day

Tomorrow is the big's care conference. We will talk about how he is doing and a timeline/plan for going home.

Got some great family stories from dad today. Grandpa's Grandpa left Germany for the US because he was a professor at the University of Bonn and got in political trouble. He hid on a boat in a barrel of apples to make good his escape. Also on board was a young woman who had been sent on a cruise by her family to help her through her grieving for her husband who had just died. By the end of the trip, she was married to the apple barrel professor. We also talked about Grandma's Grandpa, whose family originally emigrated to Canada, and then moved to South Dakota. Grandpa Robinson was the first white boy born in Turner County, South Dakota, and claimed to have played marbles with Chief Sitting Bull when he was a little boy. The final story was about the Sumpters (Grandma's side of the family). Grandma's ancestor was the first woman postman in the US, and worked a route around Mitchell, SD. Her husband had left her, and she needed some way to make money and postman was the job available. Part of her route required that she cross a river, so there would always be men there to tie two logs to either side of her wagon to help her float across. She did it with her daughter in the wagon beside her, since there was no one to leave the baby with.

Dad did well with OT and PT today and Ron talked to his doctor. They are considering adrenal insufficiency as a possible cause for his fatigue. Dr. Wong stopped by this evening. Very nice man, I think he works 24 hours a day.

Peace and love,

For Ron:
Blood pressure/heart rate before OT
Lying Down: 146/67 and 72
Sitting Up: 122/58 and 74
Standing Up: 113/56 and 79

Standing at the arm cycle, went 3 minutes
102/47 and 82
133/74 and 74
Another 3 minutes of standing cycle
137/77 and 78
Tried another 3 minutes, only made it one and got dizzy
118/59 and 81
158/71 and 70

They were going to try to do PT right away, but dad was wore out, so we took a break and he napped for about half an hour beforehand

Blood pressure/heart rate before PT
lying down 126/79 and 70
after walking to therapy
134/67 and 82
after a lap aroun d the hall
150/119 and 81
137/63 and 69
After sitting kicks and kicks with a resistance band, and squeezing ball with kneews
114/64 and 76
After standing heel raises (10) and squats (10)
114/64 and 76
After standing leg kicks (10 each side)
117/57 and 78
Lay down to rest (really tired)
Sat up
124/53 and 73

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Packer Victory Day

Awesome day. Dad and I worked on a puzzle for awhile, and then he did PT with a new therapist who was very nice. She pushed dad, and he did his hand-cycling standing up, which wore him out and dipped his blood pressure. He recovered though, and slept for a while while I went out shopping for a green robe (not available, had to settle for blue) and packer game snacks. We couldn't get the first half of the game on television and were making due with online updates, but Heather (the nurse's aide) came in at half time to get us into the cafeteria, where the game was available. It was a fun game and win.

After the packer victory, I got us some celebratory steaks from Landry's, then we settled in for the Steeler/Jets game. We sat up in the cafeteria for the first quarter, then went back to the room for the second quarter. Dad fell asleep partway through the second quarter, and I said goodnight.

As we were talking about football, dad gave me two good Steeler stories. We lived in Pittsburgh until I was in 1st grade, and dad told me that he had 40 yard line, 4th row tickets (through the company) and the seats were close enough that when the Steelers stood up, he couldn't see the field. For two years the Steelers didn't do anything, and dad, in disgust, finally sold his tickets. The next year, they went to the Superbowl. Second story was about him being in a Pittsburgh bar one night, and some big, goofy blond guy coming in introducing himself and saying he had just been signed as the new quarterback. Eh, no one really cared. His name was Terry Bradshaw.

And tonight's shout out goes to: the pirate quarterback (aaarrrr), Aaron Rodgers. Thanks for the win!

Peace and love,

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Packer Victory Eve

Dad was back to a higher energy level today. His blood pressure, though, when taken standing up was quite bad again. I noticed his legs seemed more swollen as well. Today's PT guy, Joseph, was concerned and thought about it, and then wrapped Dad's legs in ace bandages and it helped a lot. The nurse (KC) contacted the doctor about ordering pressure socks. We took off the bandages tonight for bedtime, and the swelling was much less. Thank you Joseph! He is going to be on tomorrow as well.

We spent the morning working on a puzzle, and then I was gone for much of the afternoon with Norma and her friend Pat at a long, leisurely lunch in Flour Bluff. Pat, Norma, and I came back in the late afternoon, and spent time just talking. Dad was wide awake, sitting up, and talking about going home. He decided tonight's hospital dinner was good, so we are going to do the steak dinner tomorrow afternoon during the Packer game.

Tonight's shout out (yes, I am instituting a nightly shout out) goes to Mike Sheridan, who within two hours of receiving an email from me last night had emailed me a zip file with a ton of books dad requested. He loves the naval books by Patrick O'Bryan and Mike sent us twenty of them. 

I am looking forward to a day of football with dad tomorrow. I am going to smuggle in a six pack (for me, not dad) and we are rooting for the Packers and the Steelers.

Peace and love,

For Ron
TSH levels
12/23/10: .60
1/7/11: 5.92
started on 25 mcg of synthroid on 1/12/11

Blood pressure at am PT
sitting after exercise 123/60
sitting after more exercise 128/59
standing after exercise 84/53
standing after elevating legs and pumping feet then wrapping legs with ace bandages 139/63

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21st--evening

An okay day. Dad was good this morning, and we shared breakfast.  Norma needed a ride home after a minor procedure, so I drove her home and we stopped at ihop for breakfast, then went back to the house to plan with Ginger Marie and Chiquita Anne. They are cute and fluffy and fun to throw toys for. 

I stopped on the way back to pick up a whataburger for dad, and after lunch, we went down to the atrium to look at the ocean and work on a puzzle. Dad fell asleep for a while a bit later, woke up in time to dismiss the chicken dinner they had sent (they serve A LOT of dry chicken), and I went out to get him a McRib. Dad ate one sandwich, Norma (the nurse's aid) ate another, and then dad fell asleep before Wheel of Fortune started. He slept through it, and then I woke him up long enough to get his slippers off and his covers on. 

He is in good spirits, and we talked a lot today, but he just seemed tired. Not sure how PT went, since I wasn't there for it. Ah well, I am sure he will be well rested and ready to go tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to figure out somewhere to get takeout that isn't fast food...

Peace and love,

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20th--Evening

Dad fell asleep around 3:30 or so, and I left for an HEB run. It's getting cold (down to 35), so I had to get myself a sweatshirt. 

Dad and I were messing around on the Internet today, and we found a song we'd been talking about "Three Legged Man" that was on an album I remember from growing up. It's about a man who steals another man's wife, and, to make sure he can't follow them, he steals Peg Leg Johnson's leg as well. The refrain is, "I'm a three-legged man with a two-legged woman, being chased cross-country by a one-legged fool." Good stuff--you can download it on itunes if you are so inclined. We got to talking about other LPs and the ones I most remember are "Oklahoma" (I can sing every line to every song in that musical--it is on regular rotation in my car CD player) and "Convoy," a trucker album that I loved. 

Dad and I finished the night with Wheel of Fortune and some show about braniacs that was funny. Oh, Dad also took a look at the blog today, and after he saw the picture of the Petersburg house, I pulled up some more on my phone for him to look at. He told me that the cupola has been restored, since when he was young his dad tore it down because it was going to fall off.

I left at 7:40 when dad started yawning. I bought some hair accessories at HEB today: the "pony connect" and the "fan tail" and plan to spend the night doing fancy updos. I wanted to buy banana clips (I don't think they are available anywhere else in the country anymore), but I decided that chapter in my hairdo history should remain firmly closed.

Peace and Love.

The house where dad grew up in Petersburg, IL

January 20th--Morning

No muffins available at the cafeteria, but dad happily made do with a bacon egg sandwich. When I got there, dad had already found and gotten into fresh clothes. PT went well this morning, although he had to take a couple breaks during the standing exercises. We worked on a puzzle in the atrium, and then I left so dad could shower and nap. I'll be back this afternoon with his subway order. I'll post a picture later of a clean dad.

BP (I put this up for Ron, I know most of you don't need this information): Siting (140/66); standing (93/57), standing a second time (he wanted to do better) after squeezing some muscles (140/60); standing after PT (107/58). Also, when dad was taking his pills today, he asked about one he got early this morning. Turns out it was 25 mcg of levothyroxine. Dad said he wasn't on any thyroid meds when he came in, and Gloria said she would check to see when it was started.

Peace and love,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The restaurant and the crack burger.

January 19th--Evening

The afternoon continued well. Dad enjoyed his whataburger, and I liked mine too...according to J, the special ingredient in a whataburger is some sort of flavored substance they spread on the grill. It might contain crack (that's my theory, not Js). The whataburger dad sent me to is across from the ocean, and is pretty fancy for fast food. I will post a picture of it.

Dad and I had a meeting with the Tayla, the social worker, to talk about a health care conference (it will be on Tuesday), and to review what they had talked about at yesterday's conference. They had planned on discharging him on the 27th, but dad's insurance will pay through the 31st, and as long as he is showing improvement (which he is :)) they will keep him here to work on strength and endurance. At Tuesday's conference we will talk about at home nursing care, and  Tayla has given me some recommendations on home health care agencies to contact.

Dad's OT (where they focus on his upper body strength) went well this afternoon. He did ten minutes on the arm cycle and then several rounds of weight lifting. He is eager to get well, and works hard for the OT angel, Mari. She took his blood pressure laying down (155/69), sitting (145/70), and after standing for three minutes (109/62). All the numbers were better than yesterday, and today was the first time he was able to stand for three minutes without excessive dizziness. We walked down to the atrium this afternoon, and sat and talked in the sunshine, looking out at the ocean. Norma joined us before she had to go to work.

Dad and I ended the night watching Wheel of Fortune. There was a charming woman from Hugo, MN on so we had someone to cheer for (she won). I am back in my room with a pimento cheese sandwich from HEB (it was brightly colored and caught my eye---not sure how it will actually taste), and another theoretical bottle of chardonnay.

My current plan is to stay until Wednesday, since that will allow me to be here for the care conference Tuesday.

Peace and love,

January 19th--Morning

Dad is having a great day so far. He was already up and finished with breakfast by 8, and ate an apple muffin I brought as well. Morning physical therapy went well, with dad remembering 4 of his 6 sitting exercises, and getting through all 6 without a break. 

He also started some standing exercises. The goal is to be able to do 15 minutes worth, and he lasted about a minute, so there is room for improvement. After he sat down, fatigued, he looked at me and asked, "Can you believe I climbed a pyramid just a couple months ago?"  We talked about him being able to do that again, and it inspired him into completing 10 minutes on the foot cycle. He walked as well, down to the atrium and then on to the PT room, without a break or walker. He's been having trouble with his blood pressure when he just stands (without walking), but the PT noted that it was improved today.

I left him around 10:30, and he was thinking about a nap. I am due back soon with a Whataburger.

Peace and love,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Robin is here

I flew into Harlingen today, and drove up to Corpus. I got to the hospital early afternoon and spent some time with Dad. He is having a great day, and looked good. He was sitting up the whole time I was there, was in good spirits, and took two walks before I left at 6. He requested an apple muffin for the morning, so his appetite is good, and although he griped about the hospital food, he ate everything on his tray except his broccoli.

We talked about his and Norma's travels, books, and about his old sailboat, the bad habit, which is moored just across the street from the hospital.

Now I am just hoping for an equally good day for dad tomorrow.

During the afternoon, I went across to check into the Kieschnick Guest House, where I achieved the status of rock star guest when the host,  J, (can't remember her whole name)  found out I was Dr. Ron's sister and Roger's daughter.  I was given a personal tour of the facilities,  J asked if I was driving Roger's Blazer, and  also wanted to know if Ron's wife was as nice as he. I told her that Ron came out on the winning end of that deal, and that they also had four amazing kids. She checked me into the same room Ron had, since she assumed that I, like my brother, would need internet access (only available on one side of the hallway apparently).

I picked Norma up tonight and we went to one of my favorite restaurants (Snoopy's) for dinner. Afterward I went back with Norma to hang out with my half-sisters, Ginger Marie and Chiquita Anne. I am now sitting in the room, blogging, and would theoretically be drinking a bottle of chardonnay out of the one blue glass I bought a HEB if it weren't against the rules to have alcohol in the guest house. Guess I am going to have to finish the theoretical bottle and smuggle it out tomorrow before I go get dad's breakfast.

Glad to be here, glad dad is looking good, and thinking that before I leave I need to go shopping for a pair of cowboy boots. Kelly, where did you get yours down here?

Peace and Love,

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 13th Robin is on her way

Talked to Dad tonight.  He did get moved from 5 East to 3B the SNF or rehab spot.  He says it looks and feels a lot like 5B.  He is down to 193 pounds, still with ankle swelling.  His voice is dry and he remains very tired.  There are these periods of exhaustion that he goes through that wipe him out.  PT and OT evaluations were done again.  Time and more time.

Greatest news is that Robin is on her way!  She will be heading down on Tuesday.  That should do a lot to lift Dad's spirits and get him moving.

Thanks for all of the positive thoughts and prayers for my Dad, they are truly appreciated.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9th. Dad is doing great

Turns out I was not as important as I thought, Dad is making progress without me.  He is thoroughly determined to make a full recovery.  Everything has been improving since I left (makes me wonder) urine is flowing, poop has slowed and he is out walking in the hallways.

Monday he should transfer to the SNF for 2 hours of PT and OT a day plus long walks past the nurses station.  He is very excited about the next step and determined to make progress everyday.  His appetite has been great as well.

Weird nothing bad to report, nothing but progress for a change.  I could not be happier.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th ( Bad son abandons father)

Dad is doing great.  I was beginning to wonder if I would ever say those words.  He is in such a great place mentally he wants to get better, knows it is going to take a lot of work and is anxious to get to it.  Today he pushed the limits, set a goal of 6 walks.  He made 5 of them before I left and a unless he sleep walks the next one is unlikely.  He went for some major distance today stretching out over 250 feet on one walk alone.  Funny story he took a walk without me today.  The aids took him to the solarium put him in a chair and told him they would be right back.  They never came back, so he reloaded his walker and made it home without an escort.

Dad was angry today with his placement.  We are looking forward to the next part of his recovery some type of transitional unit.  He was hoping to go to rehab with 3 hours of therapy today, when the nurse told him he did not qualify and would be going to a skilled nursing facility (with only 2 hours of rehab a day) he was upset.  He was trying to figure out if he could retake the tests and try again!

He understands the nature of his long recovery and is ready to begin.  Active issues are slowly settling down.  The urologist has a great plan and hopefully in a few weeks everything will be back to normal.  Diarrhea is still there but with slight improvement, GI consult was done today.  Also seen my neurology who thought that he has some component of myopathy complicating the speed of his recovery.

It was hard to leave him there tonight, but I do trust that he is in good hands.  He can't wait to see Robin as he continues to progress.

Funny dietary story.  This goes back to last night, not a great day yesterday but the highlight was when his surgeon said he could have a hamburger.  Mind you I am already on the Spohn Hospital watch list for smuggling muffins and Pepsi into his room.   So of course I ran down to the What a Burger just blocks away from the cardiac clinic (notably Corpus Christi just got named fattest city in America-Corpulent Christi) and grabbed Dad the world famous heart stopper.  Ran back to the room with the contra ban and a small sample for me as well.  Unfortunately Dad had not made it to the porcelain and was awaiting cleanup on aisle 5.  It did not slow him he sank his teeth into the burger while he waited.  Mind you I have a strong stomach as a surgeon but I did have to step out to eat my burger.  It was not one of the best that I have had, weird.

The Father Files January 5th

Slow progress.  Did I say slow? I meant to say glacially slow.  The good news is that he is not going backwards.  Walked a little further yesterday, closing in on 80 feet.  Finally made it to the solarium, sat and came back.  Total of 4 walks.  Talked with his cardiologist Dr Ray Graf yesterday.    Echo was great with very good ejection fraction and not much failure.  Urinary retention and diarrhea are ongoing problems.

Rehab evaluations are in process.  Multiple consults scheduled for Thursday; Neurology, Urology and GI will be back to see him.

That is all I know

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Not Much is New January 4th

Waiting for Dad to get stronger and go further, not today.  Single walk of 30 feet.  Diarrhea is slowly improving. Legs are remarkably swollen.  Dad is a little down.  Evaluation for rehab starts in the AM.

I don't know much else.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Out of the ICU. January 3rd

Thought I would start with the good news.  Dad moved to 5 East phone number is 361 881 3546.  He is struggling with urinary retention,diarrhea and continues to be more tired and weaker today than days past.  Most of the day was spent dozing on and off.  His walking was poor and was one trip of about 40 feet.

More specialists have been called.  He will be seeing the plumber (urologist) and I have a call into his cardiologist to speak with him as well.  Hoping we would have more progress today on his strength.

Started discussions with a discharge planner.  Options may be a little limited based on his insurance but I will be speaking with them tomorrow.

Wish I had better news, he continues to be in a good mood when awake.


Monday the 3rd

It was good to hear dad's voice on the phone today...he sounded much better than on his birthday. Love you dad.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2nd

Mixed news again today.  The best news for Dad is that he had full liquids for breakfast and lunch.  At dinner they served up potroast!  GI track is working well without any belly complaints.  More good news he will be moving from the ICU to a stepdown or telemetry unit when a bed opens up.

The other news is that is white count continued to drop but he did have two positive cultures come back; sputum and blood.  As a result they changed his antibiotics.  Dad remains very weak and quite tired.  This morning he had a hard time standing for a minute and only walked 85 feet.  This evening he was much stronger walked further and was standing strong.

All tubes are out.  He will have an IV for antibiotics and oxygen by nasal cannula.  It is daily progress but painfully slow and sometimes frustrating.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1st. Dad has a mustache

This is a picture of Dad 15 minutes after his nasal gastric tube came out, not sure we will ever see him this happy again.  Long day for Dad, he got a sleeping pill last night and had a very difficult time waking up today. He dozed on and off for most of the day. The all important xray that was done today was done very late in the day but had great news, everything is working as expected.  That meant his doctor was able to pull out his very uncomfortable nasal gastric tube.

More good news is his white count dropped lower, not yet normal but still not temperatures.  His activity is still very limited not as active as yesterday.  15-20 feet with assistance is a real struggle.

Making progress, improving his nutrition should help and no more sleeping pills.

Thanks for you thoughts, prayers and comments.  Nice to know someone is reading my senseless dribble.


Fun in Mexico

Grandpa was our first guest at Casa Conchita in Sayulita, Mexico.  We had such a great time with him.  Here are some pictures from December 5th, 2010.  We went on a boat trip to the Marietas Islands, it was a great day!

Posted by Kelly, Rory, Reilly, Regan and Rowan