Thought I would start with the good news. Dad moved to 5 East phone number is 361 881 3546. He is struggling with urinary retention,diarrhea and continues to be more tired and weaker today than days past. Most of the day was spent dozing on and off. His walking was poor and was one trip of about 40 feet.
More specialists have been called. He will be seeing the plumber (urologist) and I have a call into his cardiologist to speak with him as well. Hoping we would have more progress today on his strength.
Started discussions with a discharge planner. Options may be a little limited based on his insurance but I will be speaking with them tomorrow.
Wish I had better news, he continues to be in a good mood when awake.
He's so lucky to have you there! Hope they get him ALL fixed up soon. I watched your videos from Mexico today and I don't think I've ever seen you look so happy! Every picture ~ Every video you have a smile from ear to ear. What a great adventure you are all on. This little hiccup with your Dad will come and go and you will be back before you know it:). Try to keep that smile. - Molly